Saturday, February 23, 2013

do you keep getting kicked out??

People get themselves kicked out of school, out of church, out of relationships, even out of society by subconsciously sabotaging their whole deal. They know that too much is being expected of them and they screw it up somehow, then they blame the others. It is not about blame, it is about owning what you want, what you can handle and what you can do. Period. If life gets overwhelming to you, step back and read the signs again. They are your signs, put there for your guidance. Addiction, frustration, sleeplessness, cheating, sneaking, lying, those a signs that you are in for a break up!One you are fully in charge of. If you are tired of the pattern, get some help with your akashic records and your soul contract. The choice is yours and this is the time for an upgrade and maybe even a bonus round!!

1 comment:

Chris Sevig said...

I interpret this as a call to take 100% responsibility for all experiences created. Challenging, yet incredibly rewarding!