Friday, February 8, 2013

Being watched all of the time now

Web cams, security cams, traffic cams - how about angel cams. I know people are nervous that they are being observed and taped, yet in truth you have been observed and recorded in all of your lifetimes here. It is called the Akashic record. You and every detail of you is there in the record books. I know as we awaken to the larger program we will invite this, right now it is new and manifesting it in human terms puts on the pressure for you to perform your best work , every single minute of the day and night. Are you up to the task?? If you think you have secret and hidden agenda or a behavior that is not known to all, you are fooling yourself. God is watching, the angels are watching, and NOW even other humans are watching you too. Smile!!! and demonstrate one of your amazing gifts! One for all and all for one.

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