Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tell me

There is an ad on TV and it promotes the tell me. Humans are quick to say things they wish would not have. On the other hand, many withhold their true feelings for fear of lack of acceptance. It is time to tell all now. Before you do that though, think about what you want to receive. If you want to receive love, support, celebration, acceptance, then make sure the words you offer include those ideas. Be clear, be specific, be truthful. My mom used to say I was blunt to the point of pain. I was a kid when she said that and I had a hard time discerning how truth was painful. I have learned over the years that that is not true. People are commonly not truthful to manipulate a situation, not because of love. There is no faking truth, although some may not want to hear it. People need the truth, not to guess about how you feel or think. If you are caught in untruth then this is the time to clear that up. If you are ready for the life you deserve then it begins with truth and the light that shines from that telling. I told the truth about a relative who was abusive when I was little and it disturbed the peace. I was told to not say that again. Luckily for me he moved away, but the truth never went away and years later his behavior was revealed and the damage that could have been prevented assessed. It was colossal and many people were injured because people did not want to know or hear the truth. It is time for truth in all things, feelings, pasts, choices, beliefs and so on. Then learn how to agree to disagree for your truth is yours and mine is mine. We are here from a variety of perspectives and places and put all those truthes together and we may just have something very very special for all of us. Truth is I love being here, this world is an amazing and beautiful place and so are the humans who live here now! This is the time we have all come for, clean it up, tell your truth, see the transformation it brings, freedom comes from truth and it is freedom and peace we all seek.

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