Sunday, June 9, 2013

You are the garden

I tell people I can help with their biological terrain, it is like the garden, YOUR GARDEN. The you, your spirit, is living in the terrain of human existence, it is called the body and it is an amazing partnership. If you nurture it and nourish it, it will yield mighty bounty. If you neglect it or poison it or expect someone else to tend to it, well that is the other option isn't it?? I know we are undereducated on terrain management and also that we are fooled into thinking that a correction after years of abuse or neglect can shift it quickly. If you decide to upgrade your terrain, the garden of you, give it some real thought. First it takes 90 days to yield something new. A seed takes a season to flower. Harvesting what you have sown seems to be causing issues for some of you out there. Take a long look at all the input, materials, attitudes, and expectations. This is where you need to start. Outline for yourself the PLAN specific for you. No comparing here, just you taking care of you. What do you want for you? Beauty, energy, immunity, peace, healing, productivity - that should get you started. Then endeavor to add in the pieces that support that development, do it like a business you want to build. Be around positive influences, be a positive influence. Drama or regret need not apply, you can do this, it is your sovereign right to be in charge of you and getting that understood will yield amazing recoveries and beautiful healthy people. I am here to support that on this planet, if you need help come and see us.

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