Monday, June 17, 2013

WE ARE STILL HERE a book about the AIM , by Dick Bancroft and Laura Wittstock

I have a friend who co authored a book about the American Indian Movement. He took the photos and remembered the stories. I took the book to the beach yesterday and immersed myself in it. I am so honored that I have a chance to see the pictures and read the stories of those who have been brave and willing and who have been a part of the awakening process here on our planet. As a family member to these people it has an extra energy to me and my story, I feel the seperation and loss personally when I review the book. DNA is alive in each of us and the closer to your roots it is the more intense the energy, like the roots of a tree. So today I stand with those whose work has reached into our world with the memories and history of such great effort put into the stories of loss and sacrifice and now remembering the people. We need to focus on us, our own families, our neighborhoods, our communities. These stories have value and great perspective and I strongly suggest that All Americans read this about our country and it's choices about OUR people here. Stop looking on the outside for what needs to be changed and loved and healed on the inside. Thank you Dick and Laura, I am inspired and filled with renewed energy toward healing our land it's people. Namaste' Dr. Su

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