Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Don't try to predict anything

Just be who and how you are and want to be all of the time and leave the rest to the rest. I predict and project for a living, since I am HAWK energy I can see over the next hill for people and point them in the direction of better health. That is a good job, it is way easier for me to see since I fly high and see far. Yet trying to predict which way you will go even if the options are clear is not my job or even what I care about any more. You are a crap shoot. I only throw the dice, you land where ever you decide to. I can not control that, no one can but YOU. I wanted to predict a way home for me that was easiest, yet I choose one that was difficult. It is those lessons yet to learn that keep popping up. Just when you think you know everything, you find out you know nothing at all again. Learning to be in the present, grateful and loving and kind, is the only thing I can do. I can not predict tomorrow, or another's behavior, or even the weather, so I better just make hay today, for this is the sunny day I get and will be in gladly. I can protect myself, surrounding myself with love and light and where I am, there is all that I need. Good enough, a lesson that took awhile to understand. No waiting, no predicting, just me. Namaste'

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