Friday, June 7, 2013

Chasing after something??

I often find the chase to be the craziest part of the human experience. Some people find it exciting, some find it educational and others never find anything at all. Maybe just for today you will consider that you are all that there is and the chase is just a waste of energy. Love and life and health and happiness are rightfully yours and true for you and what you are to be doing. Look back on the past five years and see what you have accomplished, check in with your successes and your blunders. Make a list of what went right and why, and then consider what you gave up or lost and note why too. Blame no one but yourself for each and every detail of your chase. As I rode with the kids the other day, I could see their little eyes moving from face to face, looking for security and approval. Our lesson that day was no matter who you are or what your so-called disability is, it was to be irrelevant to the project of horse back riding, which was the high order of the day. No one was chasing anything, everyone was present and as soon as they stopped looking around and starting focusing on their horse and their ride, everything fell into order beautifully and the day became an amazing success! You are in charge of you, in the present moment, focus, keep what you love, release the rest, no approval needed now. Here and happy, just for today, I will deal with tomorrow, if and when it ever gets here. In the mean time, no time to waste, love is all there is and I love this life! Time to RIDE!

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