Sunday, June 2, 2013

Such a small small world

I live in a tiny world of hope and love. It is my home, my work and my ranch full of horses. It is my own heart. I venture out from time to time to play or travel, but mostly I hang here. I love this healthy little place. It keeps me safe and satisfied. It has fresh air and clean water, good food and it is truly beautiful. I know our bigger world needs us too, but first, before we go there we must go within and make sure that we are balanced and healthy and in order. You can not find on the outside what does not exist in your inner world. It is not possible. I see searchers and hunters and leaders and followers alike, seeking what they have not found in their own hearts. It is like the fat toxic doctor giving advice on health, it just is not believable. For us to believe we are well and loved, we must first find it and then believe it in ourself - our worth - our level of energy - our creativity, all depend on that knowing. If you were not loved as a child this is very hard to get to since it was not cultivated. If you did not learn to love yourself and all that you do and say, no one on the outside is going to be able to change that. Find that small small world in your own heart, see it, feel it, warm it up with loving something special about yourself. You were created perfectly, no flaws, no mistakes. Remember that. When you are safe there and complete and full, then come on over, until them keep working on it. It is the only thing you are truly here for. Everything else is a bonus!

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