Friday, June 21, 2013

The two little brothers

Years ago the two little brothers got sick and they, the aunt and the mom, who both had a vested interest in them, became the focus of how they would recover. They were in conflict over these boys and the boys felt and manifested the pain. That is the gift of children - they reflect you! I know a girl who has an injury taking her to a totally different life this summer, it is not her injury, it is the injury of her father, who will not listen to her words. Kids have no trouble moving from words to demonstrating body reflections in the form of illness, injury or personality disorders. The child at the clinic yesterday hits, and it is another reflection and that one is serious in every way. We must become accountable for our stuff here people, you can't just run and hide and complain about what you do not like. You must first own it and then analyze it and keep the good part and forgive and forget the rest. Let the guilt and shame go. If you want a healthy loving family then it starts with every single word and tone that comes from your mouth. Nothing less than perfect will do, and that is good enough.

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