Thursday, June 6, 2013


I have amazing dreams - asleep, half asleep and what I call awake dreams. In some I am fully conscious and have even talked while I was dreaming to the person next to me about my dream while I was still sleeping. They are vivid and symbolic and always come true. I studied dream meanings for many years and became very quick in analyzing them. It is a download of amazing power and knowledge and vision, and it comes to me with no effort at all, except that I NEED to be open and present. This is one of my greatest gifts, and I cherish it. So last night I dream of a TOTAL GREEN OUT ON THE SCREEN IN FRONT OF ME. A jackpot of whole green winning, and in my dream I am told this gift has only once happened before now here on Earth. I am delighted. I open the front of the screen and inside are my turquoise pants, and I realize that I am sitting there in my underwear only, and yes dancing around too, without my pants on. This is a big celebration, this is what we want and wish for, the return of Eden ,the greening of the heart of Earth and her people and the restoration of our world in love and recovery. The link between heaven and earth is GREEN, it is the heart of humans and it has arrived again now, for the second time in our history. It is the Venus and her Anael Angel and their return to our world. SO I PUT MY PANTS ON AND GOT TO WORK. How about you, this is cause to celebrate and to get to work now, this is what we wanted and have now attracted!!! YAY! I am so happy I am here for this, how about you??????

1 comment:

Maggie McLaughlin said...

Green, Green, Green. Many times we humans think of money when we hear "green". Green is the heart chakra and the reminder of our "EDENN". Thank you for reminding us and thank you for speaking the manifestation of "Our Eden". It is here and can be manifested from the heart. Love you Su.