Thursday, June 20, 2013

Closing in on our future here

Pushed and prodded, like sheep in a herd in a tight place, relying on one herder and one dog. There are no more herders now, they are all being exposed for their crimes and we are free now to choose. We actually always were but we got a little deaf and blind and a lot fooled. That is where those Indigos came in. I am one, as are many of you who read this, we are the pot stirring ones. Noisey and busy and never satisifed. Asking questions that weren't being answered and getting it for doing that. Remember the YOU'RE GONNA GET IT, IF YOU KEEP THAT UP Speech from those who didn't want to answer, Truth was they either did not know or did not want YOU to know. That was then and now we are closing in on our future and the world that was meant to be is here for us now. Damage done to people and places is stopping now, those who took a time out to be drunk or stupid or simply lazy is gone again. I don't mean that in a critical way, it just is what had to happen to survive this place for awhile. Autism is the gift that parents needed to step up and make choices for their own kids, not allowing another to poison them with ANYTHING ever! I am grateful to those who played that part in this drama, and now that we have arrived, we can lift that veil and restore those who choose that injury in an effort to help with the awakening. This future we are creating is the most promising our Earth has ever created, our gifts along with hers will open energy and abilities that this planet has never seen, I, for one, am going to enjoy this a bunch!

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