Sunday, June 2, 2013


You have all know there a movie and a book about this. THE SECRET! Well truth is , there is no secret, never was. Simply a truth, hidden from plain sight by clever people who knew the value of what hide and seek could produce. If you thought you were to seek something of great value - off you'd go. You be sold to and told to, and you would believe it all. Chasing your tail around and around. Looking high and low for what you carry within. It is so true it almost makes us laugh out loud. There is but one truth, love, revealed now for all eternity and free for everyone. NO secret here, the other stuff hidden, who cares anyway, that only fools the fool who thinks that the game still has value. Love isn Gold, it is within, the heart has it full and ready to mine!! Secret no more. Never again. No games now, just love.

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