Tuesday, June 11, 2013


In the changes coming this week about how you view love and your role with love and purpose in your life, the stakes are high and the energy super intense. You will feel the details of your life, and some will be difficult. Let them go with the prayer for healing and forgiveness, let your truth come through with the memory of baby you once were, perfect upon arrival and then peppered with a lifetime of challenges. You are in the bath right now, wash yourself clean. Keep the baby, go back to the beginning and fall in love with your self and your mission as it began at the start of this lifetime. You can erase the damage, the hurts and the seperation by starting fresh with yourself in love and with purpose on purpose. Your parents, teachers, preachers, coaches, and any one else who influenced your development needs to be seen in the light for their role. If they did good, good, if they hurt you, tell them you forgive them and have learned to let it go and make sure it never happens to anyone else. That is the long term benefit of such harsh lessons. I had an abortion that tore my soul apart, and it taught me about love, about souls and their connection to this world and gave me the power to answer to the issue from a place of experience. My opinion counts in that department, those who have not had to choose, do not get to say anything ever. I would not trade that for anything, my voice is strong and my feelings real when it comes to that knowing. That is the gift of the human lifetime, wash yourself clean, and keep that baby, start fresh now and let's get to work! This is just starting to get good!!

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