Monday, June 10, 2013

Raise your standards

We have all come to expect too little. We take what we get and ask no questions. We eat what we are served even though we know it is full of crap. We even offer more to compensate for the losses we have and feel, just for the company. We let those who throw us bone once in awhile be in our lives. I just went to the boss with the truth about a company who tried to take advantage of us, and did not quit until I got went I went for. I would have in the past just given up and paid, feeling the lack of conflict was a better choice. I am extraordinary character and learned to take less, ask for less and accept less in many parts of my life because I am so different and thought I was too different for them to really know me. I thought well, something is better than nothing. I felt that way for a long time, not wanting to make waves since the world of waves is where I live and work and how I function as an Indigo. In the past few years I started making bigger waves, by asking for what I wanted. I am now starting to get it. I guess I just expected less, so less is what I got back then. Look out, we, all of us extraordinary characters are now raising our standards and only those with the same standards or above need show up. The rest, they can be with each other somewhere other than here. Here's to love, sustainability, honesty and a world of peace and prosperity and health for everyone!! Looking for others who standards are way up there too!!

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