Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Where is YOUR home now?

It is where your heart is. WHEN YOUR HEART IS SOMEWHERE, THEN YOU ARE HOME THERE where ever that is. Many are leaving and going home, back to their original home, where their heart truly is. Earth is hard, and many have not got a home here any longer. A guy jumped off a bridge and went home, another got cancer and used that to get home too. You can go now where you are at home, be where you can be in your heart and with what and who your heart loves. Some will keep looking, when it was right there all the time, other's will wait and wait for it to find them. The Creator gives us a way back to self and ultimately Source. That is our real home. I live at my home here on this planet with my heart in it. Everything I do and have I truly love. That is all where my home is for now, think about it, and be on your way home to where you can be safe and loved and happy for ever now. Home and heart are the same thing. Simple and true, where is your home? FIND IT AND FALL BACK IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF AND YOUR MISSION HERE.

1 comment:

Chris Sevig said...

I was just writing a poem about how art and creativity can emerge from any spot anywhere and I agree that it is useful at times to be able to claim anywhere you happen to be as home. Great to see you still blogging!