Friday, June 7, 2013


Everything here is in cycles. Lunar cycles, seasonal cycles, the ebb and flow of life and all that it offers. In someone's life it is important to see this in the context of living well and seeing the reality of these cycles. I am a practiced observer, a seer in everyway and all I do, I love astrology and observe it's reality and my relationship to the Universal flow of the planets. We are in a season now of knowing the reasons. Awakening is happening everywhere and people are seeing the larger picture of their human adventure. In this season, summer, we get a chance at massive amounts of light and growth, plants do it, animals mate and have babies too. Humans need to avail themselves of this time to really make some HAY. Astrologically it is huge stuff, the end of 7 eclipses that changed us all here forever. This new season comes with the Sagittarian blessing of freedom and truth and expansion. Again I say avail yourself of the reason for this season and embrace it for yourself! There has never been a better time than this one, grab for the golden ring, speak your truth, identify your loves and passions and let's get this world put back in order and enjoy the rest of our time here. This season is here for the brave and the willing and the awakened ones. The rest may just sleep right through it, leave them to their peace too. YOU DO YOU!

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