Thursday, June 6, 2013

Come on baby light my fire! So I did.

My little friend, Brekken was afraid to ride yesterday, his horse too big and his sight too weak. He felt small and insecure and worried. He said what if that horse bucks. I listened and watched and then I offered to ride behind him. Up we went on the back of Bubba, a beautiful red horse I have and love very much. Bubba was a rescued horse, so he has an extra measure of grace in his personality as all rescued creatures and people do. We were barely down to the other end when my little partner said - OK YOU CAN GET OFF NOW!!! That was all it took, some sharing, some light, some warmth, some true and real love. My fire lit his fire and it only took a moment to occur. I said, hey at least take me back to the end, and he said NO, I am ok by myself now, so I hopped off and he rode with grace and balance for the rest of the session. Now that is what I am talking about here. This is so easy everyone, do what you do, offer when it helps and get off and let them go when THEY say they are ready. Thank you Creator for the chance to share my light and my fire with those who need a little inspiration!! That is how we get this done.

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