Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hawk's Ridge Ranch Rainy day clean up

I love to see things get cleaned up. Today along with us and our labor, the rain is washing everything clean before Easter morning. My horses will be clean, my barn will be clean and my heart will sing at the thought of that. Clean up your world, start at home, then work and when you are clear and clean, pitch in and help someone else who may not have the ability or the energy or the vision. It is how we will make the shift now. Our land, our cities, our bodies, they all need a good spring cleaning. Do a liver flush, eat organically, find the space you want to spruce up in your little world and just do it. This is an act of worth! You are worthy to be loved and sharing beautiful spaces with us all. Let's focus on this and see what results we get. I bet my barn will be awesome and my world sparkling like me!!!!!

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