Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chasing rainbows

I took a class recently from a guy named William Henry who has visited some of the most powerful historic sites in the world. He has written about their heritage and function and their rainbow bridge effect. In the class a woman asked if one needed to go there to experience what Henry called that Rainbow Bridge effect. It is a energy of consciousness and community that certain places have a profound connection to. A portal to a place of peace and oneness. I see peole chasing rainbows all of the time, no family is good enough for them, no job, no way no how. They are looking for more or better or in some cases, perfect, which by the way does not exist on Earth at this time. This rainbow effect is the promise of reunion, it is within each of us to find. It may be available in someplaces more energetically then others, but where ever a rainbow human is, so is that energy. I live in a rainbow place, they are on my ranch, both ends, all of the time. I bet you do to if you stop and open your heart to where you are and who you are with. It is reunion with self and when that is solid, reunion with others. Become the rainbow you seek, a lot will shift once you realize you are where you need to be in every moment! That is the gift of the present!

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