Thursday, March 7, 2013

Clearing the 3D

As we are invited into the next level of our being here and present we are given one last chance to forgive and forget now. In our body we store memories, and as we heal they rise to the surface and snap into your current reality. This can take the form of an injury or illness, a strong feeling, or even a real memory of something you forgot by choice. I am currently processing through the rib issue and sorting through it has been life changing. If you are afraid to look or feel or ask for forgiveness, take it slow. Do not stop though, it has been there all along shaping your life and requires your attention. I know we are in denial sometimes, drama does that, to protect the mind. Huge losses are often forgotten temporarily. When people die or leave you in another way, that is life changing and is too hard to handle for some and they store it deep in a place where they can save it for later. Well folks, later is now. You are here and pulling forward those memories is the only way to freedom, peace and unity. I work with many health care providers who can assist with this, energy work, hypnosis, healing touch are some approaches to healing from within, I love them all, they have worked wonders for me. Come on now, let's get this part over and get on with living the dream!!

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