Wednesday, March 20, 2013


An ardent enthusiast who cannot resist an opportunity to indulge in the enthusiasm of the day- like a dancing fool!!! I have been a fool forever, fool for love, for fun, for adventure, for profit, for beauty, for health and for kids and critters. I spent some time thinking somehow that needed to be changed. I felt the opinion of others and I allowed it to injure me and make me feel sad and alone. I was beginning to think my foolishness was not helping me much. Then I looked it up and saw what the definition was and IT IS ME - TOTALLY!!! I am an enthusiast, cheerful, willing and always all in! I smile a lot. And sing and laugh and dance a lot too. I will risk every thing for whatever the moment has to offer. It gaves me great joy and pushes me farther and higher along life's road then any thing I do. It enables me to fly over hurdles effortlessly. Hopelessly hopeful is what Pat called me in court, that made me smile, fool, that took me a minute to process, actually a lifetime. I am now finally falling in love with the fool that I am, and proud of it forever as a gift of enthusiastic living and loving and being on this amazing planet! Who are you on the inside? Figure it out, all by yourself, don't ask or care about what another sees or feels or wants you to know, you just look and remember YOU. These are great life enhancing revelations brought to you by the love of our Creator and the manifesting of truth in the new age.

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