Monday, March 18, 2013

DNA reprogramming

It is proven now that our DNA is ever changing. If you wish for an improved aspect of your life work the DNA angle. It is energetic and responds to choices. What you say, eat, breathe and feel all becomes embedded in your programming. Some old programming needs to now disappear from our DNA. The less, lack and loss part should be dumped as well as the insecure and defensiveness pieces too. I see it in my mind and say out loud a mantra daily that encourages my body, my mind, my heart and my DNA to upgrade and add in. As the old decayed aspects crack and drop off the new healthy shiney light aspects take their place. You will see it in our eyes and smiles, you will hear it in our words and you will feel it when you are with those who are moving forward and lightening up. They will attract like minded people like they should and share their magic freely in love. Hope you are one of those I meet soon!!

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