Monday, March 25, 2013

same mothers

I have a friend whose mother and my mother were born the same day and in our lifetimes behaved the same way. Manic would be a good word for it, fearful in many ways. Believing in pain and inflicting it whenever the fear became overwhelming. In our life we reflect our parents, both of them. It is the part that we chose to work through in our genetic link up. Thirty three percent of our experience is the family stuff. Those mothers tormented us and we are still reeling and healing from those childhood lessons. I become his mother and he becomes mine when we are stressed. NOT EASY. My father died when I was 2 and I have only two memories of him, I believe though that we are alot alike and that does have it's ups and downs. The Native American part is my favorite and his brain and social nature, mine too. My mom was a different cat. Those memories are painful and cause us a lot of drama and fear. We have yet to figure it all out, but I know one thing for sure, I would not have met my mirror unless I was ready to take it on. How about you, got a mirror, use it. See in the eyes of self or another - YOU. Keep what you like, and forgive and forget the rest, it is over now and time in our new life and our new world is just beginning. Be at peace, this is just another growth spurt and it has awesome value. Stories are being spun here and they will be worth sharing. Remember, love is all there is and ever will be, find it and hold on to it forever, for it is what you are building and will take with you when you graduate.

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