Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Using gratitude to manifest

Looking at those things in life you are currently grateful for and also things that are gone now, you can use your gratitude to reinstate all that you wish to manifest with and in love. I know many who have past memories of good things and times and health and relationships that they let go of. Go through your list and find that which made you the happiest and reinstate it with a prayer of gratitude for that chance to experience it, however fleeting it was. You make and break your own patterns in life and many throw away the good stuff in the search for more or better. Maybe as we begin to realize all there is is love and that is GOOD enough we can remember what and who we loved, and express gratitude for it now. It is hard for many people to see what is right in front of their eyes until it has disappeared all together. If someone or something gave you joy or energy or bliss- tell them, write about it, dream it back into place. Use the catalog of your experiences to choose now the very best for your next level of living here. Yesterday my friend said you would be the woman of many men's dreams with that Bobcat of yours and that giant garage you own, I laughed and remembered when that was true and will dream it again into life, with gratitude and love!! Here's to manifesting by being grateful and remembering all the good stuff!!

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