Friday, March 8, 2013

Just ask

A lot of us wait and watch and hope and pray, but we don't just ask. As kids we are taught not to. No hard questions!! I remember asking why, how far, when, and on and on and got in trouble most times. I was taught that asking questions was an imposition to the answerer. I learned then to go off planet for my answers. Meditation and sitting in nature gave me chances to speak and listen to answers. No judgement, no - be quiet, or worse, cursing at me as if I am an impostion putting me down or in my place because I wanted answers. So I ask now when I need to know, I say it out loud to the person involved. What about this, how do you feel about that, are you ready for this????? I ask tough questions and I am always fascinated by the responses I get. People are not in love here, not with their lives, their families, their talents and abilites. They compete for a spot that really isn't theirs to have or hold, then when that good and perfect spot shows up they are not able or willing to slide in. Too much other stuff in the way. So today ask yourself those hard questions, are you willing to give honest answers to all who surround you and want to know, or are you going to huff and puff and make it hard again by not???? Ask yourself if you love yourself fully, fit in with your own abilites and attract others that love you unconditionally? Then adjust yourself with the answers you get. Just go ahead and ask.

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