Saturday, March 16, 2013

From this day forward

As a vow to your self in this spring 2013, after the shift and before the New Earth is totally here, see yourself worthy of love and light and all things good and right. Make a vow to stay on that path. Let this time, that is so special and new, be a time of unity and community. Hook up with like minded people who see the changes as positive and exciting. Hang out with those who edify you and when you leave, you want to come again and be light with you. Angels and visitors are here now walking freely among you. Ask to see who is who and how you can avail yourself of their assistance and feel their joy. Before today has no bearing on you, you are fresh and new and awake - you can not awaken another so stop trying. If you try they will be grumpy, so leave that for the experts. In your awakened state, do those light and right and cheerful things that support you in the vow of self love you are making. This is a vow worth making. I promise to love myself, laugh and play, eat and drink, sleep and work, learn and share and live until I decide to live somewhere else in all that is clear, and light and filled with the potential that love brings here. I am so worth it, and I am feeling this in my bones, in my energy field and in my heart!! Namaste' to all of us - honoring and respecting and feeling the bliss!!

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