Thursday, May 2, 2013

Your words not mine

They create your reality. I see and hear words all the time that create an aura of energy that surrounds the human and dictates the day, the health and the attitude and reality of that person. We think so that we can filter that which needs filtering from our reality. Thinking before you speak, or write is critical now. You are manifesting at a rate of speed like never before. Do you see the dis-ease, dis-comfort, dis-illusions? They are YOUR reality if you put them into the air. Please think first, speak only when what you share is constructive, loving, inspirational and supportive. This is another key that needs to be shared with everyone. The awakening is upon us and the abundance it brings and evolution and healing is unlimited now. We think we advanced in the last 100 years, I know that we have been before and are destined now, to such greater things that if you spend your time dreaming and speaking them with love, they will come quickly now beyond anything here. If you choose to rehash the past mis-takes of humanity you will only serve to re-create them. Come on, let it go, who cares anyway????? Time for fresh and new and light and lovely! Your words, your reality. I will choose mine carefully filtering that which does not add in love, let's see how this turns out. If you feel adrenaline over what someone says to you, back up - the lesson of horses, fight or flight, your choice. I choose peace and re-creation and yes true love too. I am Native American and being reminded of our past does not serve our future, we must stop reliving that and begin living in the moment now.

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