Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The union of two committed souls-celebrating real love

My daughter is getting married on Saturday. I have thought long and hard about what she is doing and why. The truth is my attempts at marriage before now were ill-fated. A lifetime of choices made for others, not for me. Pressure to perform, to conform and to be out of the line of fire dominated those choices. Ridiculous now, yet real then, very very real. She, on the other hand, is marrying for love, true and committed to a union of two souls through the ritual of a wedding ceremony, on a day chosen to be surrounded by loving friends and family. Building a lifetime and a family as priorities, forsaking all others for this relationship forever. Something to be honored and respected and supported by me. I am grateful that my girls found true love and have partners as committed as they are. I am grateful for the chance to be a part of their day and I want to remain a constant source of love and support in their lives. It is human to want to be together, it is divine to find the one to do it with!!! Namaste' Jessie and Martin, may life from here forward be all you dream it to be. I love you very much!! MOM

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