Saturday, May 11, 2013

DREAMS,Turns out different sometimes

I am a dreamer, in every aspect of what dreaming is for us. Day dreams, night dreams, visions, conscious dreams and dreams that I sit down with paper and pencil and create from my heart through my mind on to paper. Many of those dreams have manifested. My girls for sure. I couldn't have dreamed of two more fabulous women to share my life with. They are truly a dream come true for me. My ranch, and my work, the same too. Many others also see the dream alive here and fall in love with it. Health, happiness and horses, fantastic dreams that became my reality. Other dreams of unity and common ground and matched goals, turned out different. I thought I was sharing a dream and it turned out that was not true. One person just wanted the STUFF, another the MONEY. If your dreams are true and real then let's attract dreamers that are dreaming the same things and unite the energy. The most sacred relationship on earth is the marriage of two like and loving souls into one, dreaming of a life here that is magical and leaving a legacy of love for their families after they are gone. HOW ABOUT IT? Take it to heart and dream it into existence, there is no higher calling!

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