Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The obvious

My friend said her friend said you seem heavier than last year, and she said in return, thanks for pointing out the obvious! I AM FULLY AWARE! That is fantastic! The perfect response in every way. Funny how there is a need in some to shine the light on themselves by pointing out the obvious. The words you speak are YOURS ABOUT YOU only!!! Your words have no bearing on me or anything or anyone else, EVER! As soon as we all understand that, conflict and criticism will stop altogether. The squeaky one is the one who needs the light, not you. It is like throwing crap on the inside of your own vehicle window. It simply goes no further but sticks and blocks your view and stinks up your place. Seriously people that is what your words do. Now if you want to be in the light all of the time, clean off the window and don't throw any more crap out of your mouth at it and you will start to see clearly and that will be amazing! You should see what is really going on out there, it is so BEAUTIFUL AND MAGICAL!!! You deserve to see it, and then we will all move together in the dance of ascension.

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