Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Flow or Blockage?? Which do you live with??

I teach YOGA, and the flow that comes from flexibility and breath is life changing. Words can flow and create patterns of joy and healing too. Food also does the same thing. Preserved means for LATER, I do not eat for later I eat for NOW. Flow is NOW, moving and avoiding obstacles simply going around them as if they are not there. Are you flowing or are you spitting and sputtering and spewing as you slam into the obstacles of self? Loud and cursing and pointing out what is wrong is not flowing. It is just recognizing your issue. Criticism is not flowing it only points out the blockage which belongs to the pointer!! I hear many call out as if they are summing up another's issues when in truth they are simply announcing their own junk. Fear is frozen energy and anger the spew, sadness is stuck and mucky and isolating, and shame is bound up. You are a plethora of feelings and memories. They either promote flow or they lock down energy into one of those emotional blocks. If you move in a certain way and it hurts or won't bend, then see what it matches to emotionally. Bach Flower body maps help alot. You can see what holds you back or down by analyzing the area and applying the right remedy. This is the time, to loosen up, lighten up and go with the flow, if you can not figure it out, get help, we are here to serve you. Namaste'

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