Monday, May 13, 2013

Gotta love a real fixer upper!

My whole life I have loved the fixer upper. Houses, land, animals and yes, even people. I am a seer, a reader and love to fix up the broken down and dirty. The sick and injured and sad are my favorite, and the lonely too. From the time I was little I was always attracted by the most in need of the fixing up skills I had. Loving it to life was all I ever really did. I know now that by doing that I was loving the broken down parts of me back to life too. I threw everything I had at it and me. Money, education, skill, and lots of energy. Sharing my thoughts and visions freely, and doing a lot of big physical work too. Land and animals are easy, they respond quickly and gratefully. People not so easily. Some want the help and make an appointment, others want the help and when you offer it they reject it. I used to take that personally sometimes, I now know they were never rejecting me, only their own ability to believe and receive. We all could use a little fixing up from time to time, it truly comes from helping others. What we love becomes us and we become them, fixing that is key. You are me and I am you and as far as I am concerned - we are perfect in every way. God said so and I believe it. Figure out what THAT is, fix THAT, LOVE THAT and everything else will fall in to place.

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