Thursday, May 2, 2013

Really?? How about thinking for yourself now??

I have been there and done that, waited for or wanting approval or support. Looking around for a pair of eyes that said I am with you on this. I see people so hungry for a place to fit in, they run around like chickens with their heads cut off, bouncing off places and people like a rubber ball. They are the ones who just keep on movin' in and out of life. I know how hard it is to think for yourself here, opinions are sought after constantly. Legal advice, medical advice, financial advice, and on and on it goes. They keep you running, investing, always playing the game with you. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. Marriages made or destroyed in minutes. Children discarded like they are replaceable. Quit, split and start again. Don't you guys get tired?? It is never the other thing or person you give up on, it is YOU!! If something has value it is worth all the effort in the world to preserve it and love it back into reality. Everything disappears when the self love is not there to build on. I know we want someone in our corner, I get that, yet you must clearly know what your corner is and loves and represents and be clear in that first and foremost. Loving me is loving you and this whole world. Doubts or seeking another's approval or support are giving away your power. Thinking for yourself quietly, alone and with a connection to Creator is key here. Fighting makes more fights, agree to disagree. It also allows others their own self love without threat of departure or demise by your insecure feelings and lack of real unconditional SELF LOVE. I was abandoned as a kid, my dad died, and my mom tried suicide when I was two. It left me alone, afraid and insecure in every way possible. I had to heal that on my own. It took me years to power up to a place of self love that would give me roots and stability. I have been strong and secure now in my life, my work and with my family for a very long time. I did not need someone's approval or advice to do this, I had to do this on my own. I had to take a stand for what I knew was right for me and stick to my guns. It is how we heal here. Think for yourself now, take the time and spend the energy on YOU! When you remember WHO you really are and WHAT you really desire, go after it with all of your effort. Leave nothing good behind, clean up your messes and LIVE like today is the only day you have got!!!! It is.

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