Friday, May 31, 2013

In for something

Are you ready to be a part of something BIG? We are in for something and so many of the people are not aware. There is a wake up call going on and many of you have heard the bell, but there are so many ignoring the ringing of the alarm. How do we proceed? We take the bull by the horns and forge into the newness with all the enthusiasm and hope we can muster. We must lead the charge and set the mark very very high so when they wake up and look up, they will see you involved. Time to be in the spotlight. In the dark and quiet and submissive structure implemented it is hard to break free, many of you are free now to be who you came to be. Do not judge or criticize, just focus. Pick your passion, mine is health and horses helping humans and my native heritage. That is all I can do and I do it with a love that knows no limits or boundaries. Using what I have and care about is easier than trying to fit somewhere that I do not belong. Those who love what I do, love me, that is the easy part. The others are not in my life and that is ok too. Time to rise and shine!! You are IN FOR SOMETHING BIG!

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