Sunday, May 26, 2013

pretending is for kids

I see that there is a wave of pretending going on now as we are shifting into the light. It is funny to see who has been hiding behind what. I have always given everyone the benefit of the doubt, got me into all sorts of deals that taught me great and intense lessons. Nuff said about that. As the lights come on around here, it gets easier and easier to see who is who they claim to be and what they are all about. Trusting one another now is paramount. I remember a preacher I had as a kid who pretended to be good and righteous and then ran off with a girl not a grown up, from the church and ditched his family. I knew a guy who had an internet relationship and when he went to meet the girl of his pretend life, it was a nightmare! There are people like that everywhere, saying one thing and doing something different that they think no one knows about. They think we are not aware. Well, awareness is part of the new game here, authenticity and exposure are a part of it too. No more secrets, no blame, no lack of anything, including accountability. You are the ONE! The one who makes every part of your life your choice. Pretending to be OK when really it needs healing or forgiveness or communication or connection. This causes our awareness to see you in distress so you need not pretend anymore. If you have issues within that need to be cleared now, stop pretending you are OK, or right, or whatever it is that drives you to your FEELINGS of pain and seperation. DO NOT BLAME ANOTHER, THEY ARE NOT IN CONTROL OF YOU. This is the time to celebrate the union of souls and the coming in of the light. Stand up and let that light shine on and through you, the veils will drop away and the you beneath the pretending will get a chance to breathe and grow and show itself. REMEMBER, YOU WERE CREATED PERFECTLY, OWN IT NOW!

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