Wednesday, May 8, 2013

We all deserve FULL DISCLOSURE

Here is the rest of the story. Many here now have a memory of a table where we sat and spoke of today. There were 24 of us at that table. We disseminated energetically into 144,000 points of light here on Earth at this time. We are light dispensers and hook ups for the energy of the central sun and the hopes and wishes and dreams for a better day and a successful conclusion to this experiment. I know this to be true. I am proud to be here and to be linked to those with this vision. I have held true to my calling for a long long time and now that time is over. The Passover begins today. There will be light and fire and a purging of density as foretold, a holy wind will blow hard and anything clean and clear and true will not waver, anything with density will be effected. You have been shown. What you do now, is what you decided to do with the freewill concept we have all exercised here. Choosing divine design and complete release of any density will result in your ascension, the rest, we have no opinion about. We are who we are, you are who you have chosen to be. Namaste' we truly honor those who have worked through the Earth Experiment, we feel we have exceeded our expectations and the Creator is pleased. PEACE OUT.Dr. Su, it has been a pleasure serving you. Thank you.

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