Sunday, May 5, 2013

People do not make you feel better- it comes from within!!!

The closer we get to people, the bigger the image in the mirror in the eyes of others, the more intense it becomes. Look to see what you are having reflected back to you. If you have to stand way back because the up close is too much, then accept that and back off. You are getting a chance here to work on your own issues. Just remember that the up close is where intimacy and affection and true love lives. Finding the space within your space of acceptance and forgiveness is the key. Let go, opinions by others are fruitless to anything but the ego. If you are with EGO and being right, then you will always end up alone with that. Own your own regard, self esteem is simply that - SELF - ESTEEM, not ego. Stop running around looking for validation, you were valid when you got here. If you lost it, you did it to yourself, find it within, that is where you left it. Talk to Creator about re validating yourself. Cleanse and purify your soul and self, treat yourself with the utmost respect and love. Then start over with that in place and treat everyone else the same way. Put the love and generosity and respect out there that you want and desire. It is up to YOU, no one is here to save you, you must do that all on your own, and you are so divinely designed you can if you want to and really try. NO EGO necessary. This is the greatest lesson of all, and the challenge is ON!!! Some of us have shifted already. See you on another sunny day!

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