Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Click and pop!!

That is what my eyes do when they sense energy that needs my attention or doesn't match mine. I do not get afraid I GET NOTIFIED. So at breakfast yesterday they were popping so much the guy across the table noticed and asked why they were doing that. I am a seer, not an empath, not a clairvoyant or clairaudient, a seer. I see energy with my eyes and my mind. I can tell how it is and how to improve it and lighten it up with that sense. Nothing escapes me. I know how we are, trying our best every day. Some doing better than others. Positive energy creates success which manifests itself in many ways, health, fitness, happiness, success,good friends and so forth. I can see where you fit in and where you would need an adjustment. I teach health and generally adjust people that way in our appointments. As a seer I also know when to cut bait and leave. Many think I wait too long to do that, but I am a faithful and hopeful creature and as long as there is one beam of light, even though faint I will stay and try to add in if asked to. That is my job. I have been appointed to that position in this lifetime and will not change that appointment. Learn your gift, remember it and use it for the good of all now. Many of you are ready, many of you are able, some of you are even willing to do you no matter what. This is the time, click and pop and manifest your own magic, we all brought some along, get it out and use it!!

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