Friday, May 10, 2013

Hurry now

Get up and face the Sun/Son of the new day. You will get a blast of light and it will warm your heart. It has taken awhile for it to reach here, yet it has finally arrived. Feeling the day instead of trying to navigate through it as if it is seperate from you some how. Feel your body, you will be able to know what it needs and desires. Feel your feelings, no more denying the truth. Feelings has been insulated by the many who can not deal with them. I have had a difficult time with them myself. I cannot bear many things from my past, and yet I need to respect them as truth. It is time to just find what feels right and allow yourself to go safely there. Nothing else matters. The birth of the new age depends on what you put your energy into and the feelings of love will grow what ever that is real real fast! Potential like never before is available, tap into your feelings and find out what lies beneath and let it out into the light now. This is an amazing gift, open it up and use it!

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