Thursday, May 2, 2013

Waiting over

I am totally on this one. I waited for what seemed like forever to get here. As a kid in the car, rides seemed endless. I just wanted to be THERE! Well we are HERE NOW! I am so glad. The journey was long, and yes, the result so what I knew I would find. We have arrived - truly in every way, on every level. What we do now is so beautiful and creative and filled with such potential that life on Earth will be sought after by Galactic friends. For a very long time, they weren't very interested in our little conflicted world. We were in our own evolution. We made it past the point of no return and now we have the attention of many who may have given up on us. We should be proud and grateful all at the same time because it has been quite a feat! Find your true north, the compass within you and set your sights now for the life you came to live. YOU are the only one who knows YOU. Time to own up. Analyze your dreams for details, sort through memories and keep and on build on the good ones only. Only those who love you the most, who gave you the most energy, war or peace, stimulated you to awaken. I know my perceived foes were the greatest teachers. I am grateful for the experience. It is TIME now, the ride is over, hop out and join in, this is going to be so COOL!!!

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