Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I'll walk in the rain by your side

A friend sings that to me, he has for years. Dead or alive he has the same voice, the same message for me. You and I never walk alone. Although it seems to be not true, it is so true. Your guardians, guides and yes, even your ancestors are watching you. Sometimes when queried they even answer. For sure when hollered to they reach out. You have been in community with the higher light beings all along the way. When you fell they were there, when you almost died they talked you in to staying, and when you knew you were with them they smiled and nodded and even applauded your sensitivity and your knowing. I do not like to walk in the rain, I never have. It wrecks my hair. Wade says that is not true, that I just feel so sad when the emotions of water wash over me, they overtake me. I can swim or soak without any issue, but to be showered on or over I can not stand that. Let the water of life shower you now clean and clear and let the company of heaven be there when you are all shiney and bright again. It is tough to let things wash away, it feels strange to drop the coverings we have spent lifetimes covering up with. They are there for us and they are the ones who are bringing the rain. Let it rain down on us and let us begin again fresh and renewed. It is time and we are ready for it. Hair or not hair, here I go!!!!!!!

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