Tuesday, June 3, 2014

With in the structure of time and light

That's us here now. STRUCTURE. It the place where spirit takes on a body, a living, breathing, pulsing structure. Then we work through that structure to become once again light. The filters, the barriers, the challenges, those are the game. I call it the maze. We feel our way through using our 6 senses, with impaired extra senses, that could easily end the game of maze, or structure if we knew this and how to apply it.
I had a group of High school kids here yesterday to ride horses. Bareback, eyes shut, with the themes of balance, trust, harmony and POWER! Some got it. Some didn't even try. The structure is the fun part. It is the adventure, it receives inspiration, illumination, energy and most important of all, LOVE. WITH LOVE, all bets are off and the being begins to ascend, or fly if that is how you see it. On the wings of love, light and laughter, with in the structure of time and light, let's see where our joy is and allow it now to heal us and our world. GAME ON! Horses do it for me, what inspires you within this world of the structure of time and light???

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