Wednesday, June 11, 2014


The boredom of the human race and the distractions used to compensate for that boredom are incredibly creative and I am always amazed. Drinking, drugging, cheating, stealing, making up stories, all cuz someone is simply bored with their life. I find church boring. I always have. I do not find Christ or Mother Mary or the Creator boring at all. I find them and what they teach incredibly inspiring. So why would I go to church if I am so bored there? I normally do not. Holidays, and special occasions, or good good music can get me in, a super inspired speaker can keep my attention . Are you needing an upgrade in your life because the boredom gets you in to trouble. Kids who are bored get into trouble a lot. Parents who are boring or bored, start that particular problem. What inspires you to get your body moving, your mind clicking and popping and your heart racing???? Think about it, it is the difference between boredom and bounty - you can manifest either abundantly. YOU CHOOSE!

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