Friday, June 20, 2014

Rapid Awakening

It is coming quickly now, the memories dulled by human existence. There are those memories that connect you to Creator and divine purpose. No more disappearing acts. People everywhere have had the pail of cold water thrown in their face and are sputtering and saying what's up?? How did I get here, how long was I bombed, or asleep or on the run or unconscious? I laugh out loud every time another one gets their bell rung with light and love and unlimited potential staring them in their face. You are only able to absorb the light when you get out of the dark and stand in it fully. Truth is transparent. Love is working the controls, it always did. We were just too drunk to see it. No more exclusions or drama now, just laugh and say, wow, glad I stayed, this is going to be something special! We are all worthy, own it, love it, give in to it. No competitions, no wars, no being left out or left behind. Community. Unity for us all!

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