Monday, June 30, 2014

At my best

YET? I hope I am well on my way there. It is a lifetime endeavor and takes great energy to move toward what one may consider BEST.  I am a healthy happy character as most of us are in some way. I take the time to do what I do best often, and also not often enough. I also have moments where I give  in to less than my best in the presence of others. That does not sit well with me. Giving up my best for another's comfort or demands is becoming less and less the way I want to live now. I watch and wait and see where this is going to go and if it suits me, then with my very best intentions I set out again. How about you, what are you BEST at and ARE you the best you deserve to be? I hope we are I sure am giving it my all. All the BEST to you and me both now!

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