Friday, June 6, 2014

Fight or Flight, why are you addicted to either of these?

Alcohol, drugs, nicotine, sugar, disappearing and being unaccountable, sex, the need for speed, these are some of the second chakra lessons. When a human becomes stressed they have one of  two choices to make. Stay there and run the addiction road again and let the stress rule or they can allow the heart to process the situation, by asking  three questions. Is this in my highest good, is this in the highest good of the others involved and is this for the highest good of everyone and everything here on earth????
I know the second chakra lessons of fight or flight well, they were hard earned and well learned by me. I know when I feel the adrenaline pumping that I am there, and choices will need to be made, whether I stay for the buzz or move up the ladder to my heart's desire. I love the gamble and risking things like going all in, is a part of my life here. I am willing and play to win or lose I still want to play. At the end of the day though, I come home, I always have and always will. I never leave a mess for someone else, I know that I am the one who is accountable, today and forever. Let's all look at the lessons we are learning and finish them now, our world deserves more and I for one am willing to go all in for the Highest Good of ALL! ARE YOU??????

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