Thursday, June 19, 2014

Immune system over ride

You can go with the flow, paddle upstream or try to divert the river. Those are the only options available with energy. Your immune system is energetic. It flows freely from within, and responds to three things constantly. Your emotions are 1/3, so stress takes up a lot of that energy if it is present. Your DNA, or inherited traits. Down the lineage comes the strengths and weaknesses of family structure.  When they have happy, healthy, strong, loving traits, so do you. If not, there are solutions. Finally the world in which we interact. If my mind is disharmonic or my mood toxic, I will not convert anything toxic to harmonic within. It causes a system over ride. Many turn to drugs to assist. I turn to nature. It is my life and my work. As a Naturopathic Physician, I share my knowledge and experience with others in how to avoid system over rides and how to deal with them when they appear. I do  not ever need a vaccination to impair a perfectly good immune system and response. I need a happy healthy loving life, with clean fresh water, organic non-gmo food, sleep, sunshine and clean air. I also need a  loving connection to all things, so that when I do need support it is right there where it can hold me while I rearrange some things. Perfect, and divine in everyway!

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