Friday, June 27, 2014

Loyal old friends

My Zion dog was as loyal and loving as I could ask for. When he departed last week I lost that feeling of what a loyal friend is really like as that loyal energy floated away. A couple of days later when the tears stopped and I looked around, everyone was gone.  Zion  never  failed to be present, he always wanted to play even in the end, and he never wished I was someone or some way other than me. I will look for that attribute in myself and others now. Look...... Who are you a loyal loving friend to? For me to have Zion in my life for so many years, I had to believe in loyalty and live that way too. He reflected the giant energy I have in my heart, loyal to the end to a life here and a love of humanity  and the Earth mother, that will never ever fade! How about you! Did you keep your vows, follow through on your promises or did that loyal loving part of you fade away?????? Running down the road, never solved the love and loyalty debacle, and not once did Zion take off down the road! A loyal friend to the end!  Maybe humans should be more like dogs, or horses for that matter. Think about this, I sure am.

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