Sunday, February 16, 2014

Those darn kids

of all ages. They just make me smile! I watched as the kids rode yesterday and saw the joy of what balancing up on the back of a giant horse looks like. I remembered that feeling. It did not take too long before they asked to go FASTER!  I watched the chainsaw buzz through the hard wood and the look of joy on the face of the cutter, when he said this works for me. I love to spend my energy doing things like this. I remembered that feeling too.  It has been awhile. Our hay guy drove over with a load and with the skill of old expert, he piled that hay in the back of the barn like magic in the wink of an eye. When he came in for supper I asked how old he was, and he smiled and said 20. It is awesome that he can do so easily what others never allow themselves to even try. So let's let them. Let's ask them what they like, and want to learn and do, and then together, let's see what they've got to offer. I am always amazed when those darn kids show me things I forgot I even knew! This is going to something to see!!

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