Thursday, February 20, 2014

Many will be changing positions now

That is what I will tell the kids whose mama that I adored, passed away. I know loss is the feeling, yet it is the illusion. Nothing and no one is ever lost. God made it that way. Sometimes we just  decide to change our strategy and change our position. I was gifted by a conversation with an old friend who had passed, he said, BABY, I can do more from here then I could from there. It was time to let go and get a new angle on this thing. The earth needs a lot of higher light beings to assist in our awakening and the mama who left had done all she could here. I imagine that she will do amazing things from there. Her love for her family and our world was vast and energetic and alive and will remain so! My partner told his boss exactly the same thing, I am not leaving you, just changing positions. I am taking my gifts and spreading them into the bigger arena, where they will bear much fruit! Allow yourself to change position if you need to. Find the space, the company, the calling, that fits you like an old soft boot and go there now. This is the position you will do your best work in! Then see who shows up in your life, I did this long ago, and now they are all showing up and we are in a position to be of great service. Thank you  Heavenly Hosts, who oversee all this and smile. Karen and Fred and Nancy and Darcy, you must all be having some party about now!! We love you all!

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